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AMSS11016 Grammer Пневматична подушка крісла оператра Deluxe Air Suspension MSG95GL DDS from GrammerВ®
від 42 845,64 грн
Склад: Під замовлення
В наявності
AMSS11016 Пневматична подушка крісла оператра Deluxe Air Suspension MSG95GL DDS from GrammerВ® Grammer - Air Suspension with integrated Dynamic Dampening Systemв„ў,- Auxiliary Air Reservoir (internally mounted),- Self Contained 12V CompressorВ ,- Frame Dimensions of 11.75” wide x 16.125” deep,- Suspension Travel of 7”,- Fore/aft Isolator (allows your suspension to better absorb the jarring та vibrations that come with operating machinery),- Front-Mounted Tension Indicator (shows when optimal tension has been reached),- To adjust tension simply pull the Paddle-Switch (mounted on the left side) upward to activate the compressor to add air,В , For Grammer Seat Assemblies,
Бренд | Grammer |
Виробник | Abelen Machine |
Номер | AMSS11016 |