AMSS6508 ALlis Chalmers Пневматична подушка крісла оператра GrammerВ® Deluxe Mechanical Suspension for Allis ChalmersВ® Tractor

від 47 715,75 грн
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В наявності
AMSS6508 Пневматична подушка крісла оператра GrammerВ® Deluxe Mechanical Suspension for Allis ChalmersВ® Tractor ALlis Chalmers - Durable Mechanical Suspension,- Frame Dimensions of 11.75” wide x 15.25” deep,- Suspension Travel of nearly 4.00”,- Three position height adjustment - simply lift the seat until you hear it click into place,- Front-Mounted Weight Indicator (shows when you have reached optimum tension),- To adjust tension simply rotate the front mounted Flip-Hтаle clockwise to increase tension or counterclockwise to decrease tension, Allis ChalmersВ® Tractors - 8010 8030 8050 8070,
БрендAllis Chalmers
ВиробникAbelen Machine
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